In the third Zero Space stage, there is a vertical shaft that leads to a capsule. In Mega Man X5, there is a way to receive the Black Zero enhancement without using a code.LB, LB, RB, RB, LB, LB, LB, LB ( Xbox One/Steam) LB, LB, LB, RT ( Xbox One/Steam with Controller) While there is no way of knowing if the code is completed in X4 until the opening stage is accessed, in X5 and X6 a sound clip is heard if entered correctly, while a sound clip of Zero is used for X8. In Mega Man X6 and X8, highlight Game Start, complete the sequence of buttons, and press Start. In Mega Man X4 and X5, highlight Zero on the Character Select screen and enter the codes. The codes are listed with the button pressed and the number of times pressed next to it.

Refer to the table below for codes used to gain use of Black Zero. In Mega Man X: Command Mission, it doubles his attack power, increases his speed by 1.5, bumps up his WE gain per turn by 25% and cuts his fire damage to 75%, but has an extremely short number of usable turns without using Build Hypers.In Mega Man X8, it doubles Zero's dash speed and distance, doubles the damage power of his weapons, but halves his defense as a tradeoff.

This replacement is due to the game's absence of Sigma Virus and Zero Virus drones.